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Monday, April 16, 2007

Candidates React to Virginia Tech Massacre

(Edit: Rudy Giuliani has now joined Obama and Edwards in displaying the "splash" screen before you enter the website.)

The various candidates are coming out to speak after the tragic events of this morning at Virginia Tech. I thought it would be interesting and, perhaps, informative to look into how each of the candidate websites are handling the situation. I have to say I find both Barack Obama's and John Edwards' sites to be very impressive. These are simply black (or white) text on a white (or black) background, and they are the first thing you see after typing the url. Very somber, but poignant. Hillary Clinton has a message on her site, but you must first get through a sign-up page! Not surprisingly, the McCain message is very terse and uninspired. In a similar style to Obama, Rudy Giuliani has a giant text white-on-black text message on the front page of his site, and some other live feeds about the tragedy. Nicely done.

Now, who have I left out? Mitt Romney, you say? So, what's on his website tonight. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Shameful.

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